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  • 5 questions to ask your kid before bed.

5 questions to ask your kid before bed.

The last one is my favorite...


Not sure about you, but right before bed is when I have the best conversations with my kids.

We’ve finished our books.

We’re under the covers.

The lights are off.

It’s cozy.

I imagine it’s the closest thing a kid feels to that Goldilocks level of drunkness from 2.73 glasses of wine.

There are a few questions I like to ask almost every day.

Check them out below…

Today, we have:

1. Parenting thing: 5 questions to ask your kid before bed.

2. Productivity thing: Habits that changed lives (from Reddit).

3. Internet thing: Stop trying to be great all the time.

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1. Parenting thing: 5 questions to ask your kid before bed.

I love the last one because everyone once in a while they’ll say “you,” which automatically absolves them of ALL of their wild behavior that day. 😇 

2. Productivity thing: Habits that changed livese (from Reddit).

I stumbled across this post.

I was hoping to get my mind-blown by productivity hacks I’d never seen before.

What were the most upvoted replies?

Drink water. Breath. Sleep.

And I was reminded of this quote…

"Don't overlook the basics. Don't ignore the foundation. How long can a tree remain standing without the roots?”

James Clear

While it’s more fun to go in search of better tools or some fancy new system, it’s almost never the answer.

If things aren’t working, go back to the basics…

3. Internet thing: Stop trying to be great all the time.

Jesse is a great follow.

Friendly reminder for parents…

You’re not going to feel 100% all the time. That’s impossible.

Here’s how you should be operating…

Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

1. ​Grab my ultimate household organizer template: As a working parent, it's a struggle to keep track of everything. Manage ALL the STUFF you're juggling in one spot with this template.

It took me 19+ hours to make, saves 5+ hours a week, and can be yours for less than you probably spent on Uber Eats this weekend. 🤝

Option 2: You can send The Juggle along to two friends (link below) and it’s yours for free.

2. Subscribe on IG: Each week, I break down a piece of medical research that will help you parent better, like this. Each month, I’ll interview an expert who will provide high-value tips. Think sleep specialists, financial planners, doctors, and psychologists.

All this value for $5/month.

See ya next week!